Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kids Bible Lessons – How You Can Make It Fun For Your Little Tots

It is important for parents to make kids bible lessons more interesting.  We all know for a fact that the attention span of kids is not that good. You can only have their attention for a short period of time.  So, if you are not creative enough in your teaching strategies, then, chances are that you will not be able to finish your lessons in one sitting.  That is why, it is essential for you to incorporate some creative ideas onto your teaching strategies so that your kids will be able to learn the bible lessons and stories that you wish to impart to them.  Listed below are some helpful tips that you can use to be able to make bible sharing more enjoyable for the whole family.

Puppet Show

Kids love animated shows.  If you are really creative enough and if you have a knack for creating puppets, then, I suggest that you try to make puppets that are related to the story.  You can actually make a research on the internet with regards to puppet making.  You do not have to make it complicated.  All you have to do is to make the characters recognizable and make it as colorful as possible so that your kids will be able to learn about the characters in the bible without having any problems at all.

Creative Props

You need to have some props for your kids bible lessons so that you can make it more interesting for your children.  You need to feed their eyes visually so that they can grasp the things that you are trying to teach them in an easier manner.  You can actually ask them to make the props with you so that you can have some time together prior to the lessons.  This will give your kids an idea on what the lessons will be all about.

Adding Music Into The Lesson Itself

Most kids are into music.  They usually love to hear upbeat songs and dance along with it.  There are so many Christian songs for kids that you can let them listen to before you start the actual lesson.  Most of these songs speak about God’s love for kids and you can let them sing along with the songs as you go along.  Try to research on the internet with regards to the different songs that are applicable for your children’s age.  You can also print out the lyrics of the song so that you can teach these to your kids too.

When all of these things are done, you can make a short recap of the lesson and ask your kids what they have learned from it.  Ask them how they can apply these lessons in their day to day living and how they can glorify God through these acts.  Through this, you will be able to gauge if you are making any progress in your bible sharing.  Remember, kids bible lessons are very important in your kid’s life as they grow so you have to see to it that you will exert some effort in order to see the fruits of your labor.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kids Love To Learn - How Do We Teach Kids According To The Will Of God In A More Interesting Way?

I always believe that the best education we can share to our children is through the will of God. Allowing your children to learn things using the word of God from the bible can be a good way to build up your child’s personality and character. For Christian parents, it is important that you teach your child with the right understanding of what was God had taught you and how it can benefit them a lot so that they will grow mature and had enough awareness on the Christian beliefs.

But for children, they may find it quite complex to get through relevant entertainment and educational content as per God’s will as their mind is very innocent. All they want is to eat, sleep and play. Kids love to learn, but how do we teach them according to the will of God in a more interesting way? Let me share you some tips to give you an idea on some of great means for kids to enjoy more of their learning through God’s phrase.

Play With Music and Sing With Them A Song

Children nowadays can easily adapt with different music that they hear whenever they listen to songs repetitively. A composition of song with enjoyable lyrics of God’s word is one of the best methods to empower your children’s life. Parents can sing with their children and make these educational songs as their theme song which is a good way to build strong family foundation.

Play With Puzzle Games

Kids love to learn and easy learning can also be achievable through finding all words from the Bible with pleasurable puzzle games. This is definitely interesting to get closely associated to God while having fun learning. This would also enhance their mentality as well as be challenged on constructing the letters.

Share Them The Scripture Cards

Another factor to help children learn God’s word easily is by letting them memorize verses from the Bible through cards. You can share them the scripture cards, display it anywhere in your home or insert on their favorite workbook or notebook. By letting them read the scriptures, they will soon realize to apply it in their own lives and will help them think things in more positive perspective.

These are just few of several ideas you can share to your child in order to help them learn and live in the will of God. Empowering your child’s life through the word of God has several benefits for your family. Kids love to learn and it is the responsibility of the parents to help and guide their children walk in the law of the Lord. With the advancement of our technology, learning these things has never been too complicated. Multimedia is the most powerful tool make this simple learning possible. This method would also remind children with what they should do and should not do. Faith comes natural to a child. Teach your child at his early days as this is the best time to enlighten them about essential things.

Perhaps there’s no better way for your child to learn things according to God’s motivation than for him to have a good interaction with his parents. Valuing God’s command for every family as well us in our everyday life can lead to happy and satisfied living.